
Scholarships and Awards

Every year your SU supports UCalgary students through student awards. Every year, student donations through the peer bursary levy usually lead to over $1 million in bursaries distributed to deserving students. The SU also provides several awards to outstanding students who excel in a variety of areas.


  • This SU Club Scholarship honours Eric Lahoda, a former U of C student and dedicated SU Club executive. Nominees must: be a returning U of C student in good academic standing (GPA of 2.0 or higher), be registered as a full-time student, have completed at least one year of study at U of C, have participated in the club for one semester previously. Note the club must be registered by the SU and be in good standing.
    See the SU Clubs Manual for more details.
  • The Laurence Decore Award is funded and administered through the Alberta Heritage Scholarship Fund and promoted through the SU.

    There are 10 awards available, each valued at $1,000.00.

    This award for student leadership honours Mr. Laurence Decore, former Edmonton mayor and leader of the Alberta Liberal party. The Laurence Decore Award recognizes students who demonstrate outstanding dedication and leadership to fellow students and to their community through involvement in student government, student associations, clubs and/or community organizations. This award is managed by the Student Financial Support office in Hunter Student Commons 220 (HNSC 220).

    Applications must be submitted through the student’s centre/portal. The University of Calgary Awards and Student Financial Support office no longer accepts paper applications. No late applications will be accepted.



    Information on your application and submission available at the link above.


    An applicant must be:

    • Undergraduate or Undergraduate Professional programs student;
    • A Canadian Citizen or permanent resident and be an Alberta resident. To be considered an Alberta resident, one of the following conditions must apply:
      • one parent must currently be residing in Alberta,
      • or Alberta is the last place the nominee has lived for twelve (12) consecutive months before being a full-time student, or
      • the nominee is married to an Alberta resident
    • Currently enrolled full-time (a minimum 60% course load) in an undergraduate or undergraduate-level professional program;
    • Involved in either student government or student societies, clubs or organizations, or involved in student organizations at the provincial or national level or in non-profit community organizations.
  • The Violet King Engaged Scholar Award is a new scholarship created by the SU to recognize the unique barriers, challenges, victories, and lived experiences of BIPOC students at the University of Calgary. The award was created and piloted by 78th Vice President, Semhar Abraha, through discretionary funding, and has now been approved for continued Quality Money funding for the next five years. The Award is named for Violet King, the first Black woman lawyer in Canada, and the 1951 Vice President of the University of Alberta Students’ Union. This award is presented to the outstanding BIPOC students on our campus who continue Ms. King’s impressive legacy through their lived experiences, leadership, and community engagement.
  • The November Symposium provides an opportunity for undergraduate students from across all faculties to showcase their outstanding research work. The Symposium offers a number of a cash awards for research ranging from $500 to $1,000.

    Applications and More Information – Undergrad Research Symposium

  • The SU Pride Scholarship is a Quality Money initiative dedicated to recognizing University of Calgary undergraduate students who are actively dedicated to the queer community. Five $2000 scholarships are awarded in the Winter semester.

    Applicants must be:

    • A full-time University of Calgary undergraduate student in good academic standing (GPA of 2.0 or higher).
    • Be returning in the upcoming academic year.
    • Have contributed to the betterment of the queer community in a meaningful, outstanding, or otherwise positive way.

    To apply or for more information, visit the Q Centre Webpage.

  • The Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Advocacy (IDEA) Awards is a scholarship approved through SU Quality Money and administered by the SU to recognize University of Calgary undergraduate students who are actively dedicated to advocating for and improving Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives on campus. This Award was approved for continued funding as a Quality Money initiative in 2021-2022 for five years. The SU will disburse two x $1,500 awards at the end of the winter semester each year to undergraduate students who have displayed personal commitment, contributions, advocacy, and involvement with EDI initiatives on campus. Completed applications for the award can be submitted electronically to the Students’ Union by email at The deadline to apply is Monday, February 26, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.

    Applicants must be:

    • Be a full-time University of Calgary undergraduate student in good academic standing (GPA of 2.0 or higher);
    • Be a full-time undergraduate student in the current academic semester;
    • Have contributed to the betterment of EDI initiatives in a meaningful, unique, outstanding, or otherwise positive way.

    Download the application form here: IDEA AWARD APPLICATION

  • The issue that this project is proposing to address is the little-to-no opportunities for Indigenous students on our campus to access traditional awards in the current system. The project will award scholarships to undergraduate students who are Indigenous to Turtle Island and who have excelled as leaders within their communities, whether that be here on campus or in the larger community.


The following awards are administered on behalf of your SU by the UCalgary’s Student Financial Support office. For more information on these awards including application procedures visit their webpage. Applications are available on March 1 on the online Student Centre through the My UofC portal (

Deadline for submission of Continuing Awards is May 1.

  • The SU recognizes that there is a gap in current awards systems and processes, creating barriers for persons with disabilities from accessing scholarships and awards. The SU Able award seeks to address some of these challenges by recognizing students that have demonstrated resilience and shown that regardless of these barriers, they have been able to excel in their educational field and have proven to be a leader for others in their community.

    For more information, visit the University of Calgary Undergraduate Awards page for the SU Quality Money Able Award.

  • The International Student Financial Need Bursary was created with the support of SU Quality Money funding, to provide temporary support to international undergraduate students experiencing financial difficulties due to unforeseen circumstances and who have no other available options for securing short-term funds. A temporary financial difficulty is defined as: “current or impending financial conditions that impair or may impair the ability of a student to meet existing or future obligations.” Eligibility Requirements: • Must be a currently registered undergraduate international student leading to a degree at the University of Calgary. First semester students are eligible. • Must be a full-time student, defined as taking at least three courses (9 credits), in the same semester in which they are applying for the bursary. • Must be experiencing a demonstrated unexpected short-term financial need to be detailed in the application through the personal statement section.

    This bursary is managed by the University of Calgary. Information and application requirements are available here:

    • Offered annually to a continuing undergraduate student in any faculty who has completed at least one year
    • Academic merit
    • Financial need
    • Extra-curricular activities.
    • Offered annually to a continuing undergraduate student. Must be registered full time but need not be carrying a full course load
    • Outstanding contribution to the campus climate for University of Calgary women
    • Financial need
    • Academic merit.
    • Offered annually to a continuing undergraduate student in any faculty who has completed at least one year
    • Academic merit
    • Financial need
    • Extra-curricular activities.
    • Offered annually to a continuing undergraduate student in any faculty who has completed at least one year.
    • Financial Need
    • Academic merit
    • Mature student (24 years of age or older).
    • Offered annually to a continuing undergraduate student entering 3rd or 4th year in any faculty
    • Academic merit
    • Financial need
    • Participation in extra-curricular activities and leadership ability.
    • Offered annually to a continuing undergraduate student in any faculty who has completed at least one year
    • Awards is based on academic standing
    • Participation in extra-curricular activities.
    • Offered annually to any continuing undergraduate student in any faculty
    • Preference given to a candidate with a hearing impairment.
    • If no suitable candidate applies, consideration will be given to students with other disabilities (must provide proof of disability e.g. doctor’s note)
    • Academic merit
    • Financial need.
    • Offered annually to a student in the Faculty of Medicine MD program
    • Who is undertaking an approved research project in the area of oncology
    • Financial need
    • Interest in the field of oncology.
    • Continuing undergraduates students in any faculty who have completed at least one year
    • Minimum grade point average 2.60
    • Strong citizenship qualities and integrity as exemplified by the late Dr. Craigie.
    • Offered annually to continuing undergraduate students in any faculty who have completed at least one year
    • Two awards are based primarily on academic merit with financial need taken into consideration
    • Two awards are based primarily on financial need with academic merit taken into consideration
    • One awards is based on contribution to student life at the University of Calgary through the Students’ Union
    • Must be registered full time, but need not be carrying a full course load.
  • Created by Students’ Union Referendum in 1996, the Student Peer Assistance Undergraduate bursary program is funded by the University of Calgary Board of Governors and undergraduate students through an optional fee of $10 (full time students) or $7 (part time students). Award allotment varies and is based on academic merit and financial need.

    • Offered annually to a continuing undergraduate student entering 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year in any undergraduate faculty.
    • Academic merit
    • Financial Need
    • Students must be registered full-time but need not be carrying a full course load.
    • Offered annually to a continuing undergraduate student in any faculty who has completed at least one year
    • Academic merit
    • Financial need
    • Extra-curricular activities.
    • Offered annually to continuing undergraduate students in any faculty. Must be registered full time but need not be carrying a full course load
    • The awards are based on contribution to the University of Calgary campus through involvement in activities such as, but not limited to, clubs, sports or volunteering
    • While academic merit is a factor of the awards it will not be strongly considered
    • Preference is given to students who have not received another award based on similar criteria.
    • Offered annually to a continuing undergraduate student entering third or fourth year in any faculty
    • Academic merit
    • Demonstrate exceptional leadership, mentorship, or entrepreneurial spirit.
  • The SU Mental Health Award was created to recognize undergraduate students who are advocates for mental health and wellness, stigma reduction and improving the dialogue about mental illness with compassion and empathy. To apply or for more information, please click: SU Mental Health Award.