
Candidate Platforms for the positions of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, one position, and Werklund School of Education, one position.

Online voting will take place on the 8th, 9th, and 10th days of October 2024 through Student Centre. Voting opens at 9 a.m. on October 8th and closes at 4 p.m. on October 10th, 2024. All University of Calgary undergraduate students registered in these faculties: Veterinary Medicine and Werklund School of Education in the Fall 2024 session are eligible to vote.

Werklund School of Education Candidate


Effective Communication, Tenacious, Actionable Change

My name is Siena Yee and I am currently in my third year of Education. I am very passionate about supporting my peers through advocacy and honoured to be a candidate for Faculty Representative this year. I am known by peers as kind, caring, determined, and a great leader. Having met various students throughout my 3 years at the University of Calgary, I understand students, the issues they have or challenges they experience as Education students. I believe in public service and will be accessible to faculty students. I will continually communicate and be available to students so that I could listen to concerns and be the catalyst for positive change. I am very approachable, and care deeply about what students have to say. I am committed to using my people-skills to connect and engage with students and council members so that concerns shared by Werklund students are not only heard but addressed through a resolution. Whether it’s to enhance communication, increase support, facilitate events, celebrate Werklund students, or simply to share thoughts, ideas and concerns regarding policies, I aim to bring these issues to the forefront at the General Faculties Council meetings. I am dedicated, hard-working and will strive to make this year a progressive one with actionable change. I hope to improve student awareness, communication, and academic matters regarding students’ wellbeing, and welcoming students to exciting events to celebrate Werklund. Therefore, I would be honoured to be elected as this year’s Faculty Representative.

Candidate contact withheld pending campaign approval …

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Candidate


My name is Danielle and I’m a third year student in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Program in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. I’m originally from Treaty 6 Territory where I grew up then completed a Bachelors of Science in Biology and a Masters of Science in Public Health at the University of Alberta. I am a proud member of the Sandy Bay Ojibwe First Nation in Treaty 1 Territory.

Since May when I was appointed as the Student Union Representative for the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine I have been supporting projects started last year by the previous rep and building ideas for meaningful projects this upcoming year. If elected my priorities would be:

  1. I plan to continue to advocate for the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine student body and act as a liaison both within the faculty and outside of it. In order to advocate for the students I plan to listen to the student body on what they think is important and bring those concerns forward to the appropriate people. This will also include keeping the students updated on progress act as a liaison between them and the Student Union.
  2. Make sure veterinary student voices are heard in regards to tuition changes and costs associated with 4th year clinical rotations
  3. I aim to promote awareness of the services provided for students by the Student Union, as our unique location at Spyhill Campus removes us from the awareness being on main campus brings of the services the SU provides. This includes helping facilitate changes with SUClubs.

Candidate contact withheld pending campaign approval …


In accordance with section 48 of the The Union Bylaw, the Chief Returning Officer declares the following positions vacant:

  • Faculty of Nursing

No candidates for this position will appear on the ballot.