SU Governance Documents Referendum
Proposed changes to the SU’s governance documents are being presented to Active Members (Undergraduate students at the University of Calgary) for consideration. There will be one referendum question on the ballot during the SU’s General Election, March 5 – 7, 2024.
The referendum question is the official mechanism to adopt or reject the proposed incorporation of the SU Constitution into the SU Union Bylaw, and the subsequent rescindment of the SU Constitution. Students will vote to determine whether these SU governance documents can be merged into one.
Please read NOTICE OF REFERENDUM announcement or download the Notice of Referendum and support document with the details of the proposed changes to the Students’ Union governance documents.
If you have further questions you can contact the Chief Returning Office (CRO) during their posted office hours or by email here:
CRO office hours for the 2024 General Election period:
Mon – Wed: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Tue, Thu: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Fri: 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
What is the SU Constitution?
This is a governance document that establishes the objectives, membership, and select governance bodies of the SU, as well as the process for setting SU fees.
What is the SU Union Bylaw?
This is a governance document that provides comprehensive information on all facets of the SU’s governance processes and operations.
Why do we have an SU Constitution and SU Union Bylaw?
- The SU Constitution was enacted in 1948 by the Senate of the University of Alberta.
- At the time, this was done to formally recognize the SU and give it purpose of promoting extracurricular student activities in University of Calgary (formerly University of Alberta’s Calgary Branch).
- The SU Union Bylaw was enacted in 1966, after the Government of Alberta separated the University of Calgary from the University of Alberta as its own autonomous university.
What is/are the key difference(s) between the SU Constitution and SU Union Bylaw right now?
- The two governance documents are largely identical on key provisions about SU governance.
- However, the Union Bylaw is a more comprehensive governance document because it incorporates information from the Post Secondary Learning Act and past iterations of the SU Constitution.
- Also, the SU Constitution has a provision (i.e., article IX(D) (4)) which is missing from the SU Union Bylaw.
Can I see a side-by-side comparison of the SU Constitution and the SU Union Bylaw?
Please click here to view a comparison of the SU Constitution, current SU Union Bylaw and the proposed Union Bylaw, should this referendum pass.
Why is the SU bringing this Referendum forward right now?
- It is contemporary best practice for corporate organizations, including statutory corporations such as student associations, to consolidate its governing documents into one place.
- Other student associations in post-secondary learning institutions within Alberta such as the University of Alberta, Mount Royal University, MacEwan University and Athabasca University have either repealed their constitutions or recognise their union bylaw as their highest governing document in their governance processes.
What does a “YES” vote in support of this Referendum really mean?
- Voting “yes” in this referendum means that you support the SU incorporating the provisions of article IX(D) (4) of the SU Constitution into the SU Union Bylaw.
- You also support the rescindment/cancellation of the SU Constitution once that provision has been incorporated into the SU Union Bylaw.
- This means the SU Constitution will cease to exist and the SU Union Bylaw will be the SU’s primary governance document.
What does a “NO” vote against this Referendum really mean?
- Voting “no” in this referendum means that you either:
- oppose the SU’s plan to incorporate the provisions of article IX(D) (4) of the SU Constitution into the SU Union Bylaw; or
- You are against the subsequent the rescindment/cancellation of the SU Constitution.
- Voting “no” in this referendum means that you either:
How does the Referendum question affect me as a student?
- If you ever choose to run in the SU Election, or join one of our committees, reading governance documents is an important part of that role. Having one document would make things more efficient and clearer for engaged students who choose to be involved in our governance practices.
- For most students, it won’t have much impact, but by voting “yes”, you’ll be supporting your SU to bring its documentation practice in line with other organizations.
What is the Referendum question that will be asked during the General Election?
View the Referendum Question Here.