Events for October 14, 2022 - October 1, 2022

Your Heart, Body, and Mind: A Conversation on Mental and Sexual Health and Wellness

Virtual Space, Online

Our emotions and thoughts influence the way we relate and love other people. And yet, we as a society still treat topics such as mental illness and sex as social taboos. Especially when both are mentioned in the same conversation. Let’s be honest with our hearts and our minds, and discuss topics where they meet […]


We the People: A History of Indigenous Sexualities, Genders, Relationships, and Colonization

Virtual Space, Online

Ever wanted to learn more about diversity in Indigenous sexualities, genders, and relationships? Join us as we walk through North American history and look at not only traditional Indigenous expressions of gender, sexualities and relationships, but also how colonization specifically targeted these areas of Indigenous culture and well-being. We will also focus on Indigenous resistance […]


What Sex Ed Misses

Virtual Space, Online

Sex education isn't exactly a simple and clean topic, since it encompasses the collective desires and deep intimate interactions between people. It can be as varied as asking someone their favourite show in this day and age. We will be discussing the sore spots classical sex education misses with some taboo discussion, practices and above […]


Alphabet Soup

Virtual Space, Online

Alphabet Soup is a presentation to educate on what each letter of the LGBTQ+ community is and what it entails. After the presentation there is opportunity for members of the audience to ask questions. This presentation is beneficial to everyone! Members within and outside of the LGBTQ+ community can learn about new identities! Register via […]


Supporting Sexuality in People with Developmental Disabilities

Virtual Space, Online

Research has shown that people with developmental disabilities can have unique challenges when it comes to creating healthy relationships, boundaries, and exploring sexuality. We also know that people with developmental disabilities are at an increased risk to experience sexual assault (PHAC, 2011). In this workshop, participants will define sexuality in a broad context, explore their […]


Sex in Scriptures

Virtual Space, Online

Ever wondered what the different faiths say about S.E.X?! Want to hear a Hindu grandmother chat about Kama Sutra? Or a priest read the Song of Solomon? This is the place for you! Sex in Scriptures will follow the scriptural reasoning approach to interfaith dialogue. Each faith community represented will pick a short passage from […]


Amazing Relationships

Virtual Space, Online

It's time to: Adjust expectations, debunk myths, approach communication, desire, pleasure, and consent positively. Get frank about hook-ups, jealousy, and insecurity. Event information and registration.


Asexuality and Aromanticism

Virtual Space, Online

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about asexuality and aromanticism - "broken", "lacking", just waiting for the "right person". These myths will be unpacked and the hope is to broaden people's perspectives and appreciation of non-romantic and non-sexual relationships. Learn more about the spectrums of asexual and aromantic identities, and what these terms […]

Sexual Healing: Intimacy after Trauma

Virtual Space, Online

We all have the right to be intimate – however, many people find intimacy difficult after sexual or gender-based violence. Trusting ourselves and others mentally, emotionally, and sexually can bring up feelings of unsafety. Join us on a journey to start reconnecting with our own minds, bodies, and spirits after trauma. Let's find a way […]