Stress Less Week: Grab and Go Edition
Stress Less Week: Grab and Go Edition
Drop by the north courtyard on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12:00 p.m. and pick up a surprise activity kit that you can take with you.
Drop by the north courtyard on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12:00 p.m. and pick up a surprise activity kit that you can take with you.
Only 20 spots available so book early! The registration for this event begins November 23, 2021 at 1:00 PM. That Empty Space is located on the bottom level of MacEwan Student Centre, next to Subway.
Speaker: D. Rowe Official: N. Flemming Agenda and notes: HTTPS://WWW.SU.UCALGARY.CA/ABOUT/WHO-WE-ARE/STUDENTS-LEGISLATIVE-COUNCIL/ ZOOM Meeting Information: HTTPS://UCALGARY.ZOOM.US/J/99971230996 Meeting ID: 999 7123 0996 Passcode: 79SLC If you have questions regarding a SLC meeting then please contact RECEPTION@SU.UCALGARY.CA (403) 220-6551, no later than 4:30PM on the day of the meeting.
Drop by the north courtyard on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12:00 p.m. and pick up a surprise activity kit that you can take with you.
Only 20 spots available so book early! The registration for this event begins November 25, 2021 at 1:00 PM. That Empty Space is located on the bottom level of MacEwan Student Centre, next to Subway.
Drop by the north courtyard on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12:00 p.m. and pick up a surprise activity kit that you can take with you.
Speaker: D. Rowe Official: N. Flemming Agenda and notes: HTTPS://WWW.SU.UCALGARY.CA/ABOUT/WHO-WE-ARE/STUDENTS-LEGISLATIVE-COUNCIL/ ZOOM Meeting Information: HTTPS://UCALGARY.ZOOM.US/J/99971230996 Meeting ID: 999 7123 0996 Passcode: 79SLC If you have questions regarding a SLC meeting then please contact RECEPTION@SU.UCALGARY.CA (403) 220-6551, no later than 4:30PM on the day of the meeting.