
Proposed Amendments to the U of C Sexual Violence and Gender Based Violence Policy

Proposed Amendments to the U of C Sexual Violence and Gender Based Violence Policy 150 150 admin

Earlier this year, the University of Calgary proposed revisions to the existing Sexual Violence Policy.
We want to ensure that these revisions are considered after consultation with the undergraduate student body. Please take a moment to participate in our anonymous survey. We will collect your feedback and present it to the university on behalf of undergraduate students.

Take the survey here:
[button link=””]Sexual Violence Policy Survey[/button]

Responses must be completed by Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2020.

Campus Food Bank Launches Month-Long Food Drive

Campus Food Bank Launches Month-Long Food Drive admin

Community support sought to help secure the SU Campus Food Bank for fall and winter months


October 5, 2020


CALGARY, AB – As students return to post-secondary studies, the Students’ Union (SU) Campus Food Bank at the University of Calgary is launching a month-long food drive. After re-opening in September, students are looking to the community to come together (remotely) to help re-stock the shelves.


“We are proud to re-open the SU Campus Food Bank to support our campus community,” says Assad Ali Bik, SU Vice President Student Life. “The Fall Harvest Food Drive is a call to action to ensure we are able to continue this support through the fall and winter months.”


Every day from October 1st to 31st, the SU will be sharing ideas via social media on little things everyone can do to support the food bank. There are three ways to participate: as an individual, as a team, or anonymously. Details and a list of high-demand items are available online:


Ali Bik added that any support is appreciated. “One dollar, one can of food, or 100, it doesn’t matter,” he stated. Non-perishable food donations can be dropped off at the Information Centre in MacEwan Student Centre. Larger donations are accepted by appointment, and a GoFundMe page has been created for monetary donations during the Fall Harvest Food Drive.


During the summer, the food bank had to remain closed due to COVID-19 restrictions, and students who needed support were directed to other community resources; however, food insecurity remains a concern for students who struggle to afford their education, and scheduled curbside pickup appointments are now in place to maintain physical distancing.


“With tuition increasing, cost of living going up, and many students unable to find work over the summer due to COVID-19, we know that students will be facing tough choices, and we don’t want the choice to be between food and education,” says Ali Bik. “We want to make sure that students know that we’re open, and we’re here to help during this challenging time.”


The SU Campus Food Bank has been independently operated by the Students’ Union for over 27 years and provides emergency, seven-day food hampers to students and other members of the campus community.



Media Contact: Marcus Plottel, External Communications Specialist

(403) 829-9208 //

Students’ Union to recognize efforts to improve remote learning during COVID-19

Students’ Union to recognize efforts to improve remote learning during COVID-19 admin

SU Teaching Excellence Awards nominations open for Fall 2020


September 14, 2020


CALGARY, AB – The Students’ Union (SU) is continuing their annual tradition of honouring great professors at the University of Calgary, something that is even more important this year as most instruction has been moved online. The Teaching Excellence Awards (TEA) is the SU’s campus-wide program which gives undergraduate students the chance to recognize outstanding instructors and teaching assistants.


“TEA is a unique opportunity for students to reward their instructors and teaching assistants,” said Semhar Abraha, SU Vice President Academic. “Despite the challenges we are all facing, the SU is proud to continue to recognize these incredible instructors for their ongoing commitment to quality education at the University of Calgary.”


The creation of the SU Teaching Excellence Awards was intended to encourage high-caliber teaching and innovative pedagogy at the University of Calgary. From the start, the awards were meant to provide students with the opportunity to give feedback on the quality of university instruction. Typically, the in-classroom experience plays a major role in the nomination and selection process; however, this year most students will be receiving instruction remotely, and the SU hopes to recognize the additional effort made by instructors to create engaging, interesting, and informative online course delivery.


“Many students are facing the challenge of remote learning for the first time, and we understand that many instructors are teaching this way for the first time as well,” said Abraha. “For those dedicated teaching professionals who are continuously putting in the effort to ensure the quality of their courses remains consistent, and especially for those who go the extra mile to make their courses something special, we want to make sure they get the recognition they deserve.”


TEA nominations will be collected for the fall semester from September 14 to October 23. Winter semester nominations will open on January 18, 2021, and winners will be selected and announced in the spring, at which time the SU will make a $5,000 donation in recognition of the winners to the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning.


The SU has been honouring outstanding teaching at the university since 1975, with the Teaching Excellence Awards being handed out in their current form for the first time in 1984. Last year, the SU received 1,143 nominations from students and honoured 37 faculty members, instructors, and teaching assistants. For more information about the SU Teaching Excellence program and the award criteria, please visit



Media Contact: Marcus Plottel, External Communications Specialist

403-829-9208 /