Students' Union, UCalgary

SU @UCalgary

Results Announced: 2024 SU General Election

Results Announced: 2024 SU General Election 1280 854 Nathan Ross

Calgary – The Students’ Union (SU) of the University of Calgary is pleased to announce the results of the SU General Election which will form the 82nd Students’ Legislative Council (SLC). Undergraduate students were able to cast their vote in the election from March 5-7 to determine which of their peers will represent them to faculties, the university, and the three orders of government.

Only one of the executive races had multiple candidates, and that was for the position of SU President. Both Sandra Amin and Ermia Rezaei-Afsah – who were both Vice-Presidents with the SU in the 81st SLC – ran in the hopes of succeeding outgoing President Shaziah Jinnah Morsette. With 66% of the vote, Ermia Rezaei-Afsah will be the SU President for the 82nd SLC.

They will be joined by Mateusz Salmassi, Jessie Dinh, and Naomie Bakana, who ran uncontested and received a majority of yes votes for the positions of Vice-President External, Vice-President Academic, and Vice-President Internal respectively.

The position of Vice-President Internal is a new position, which combines two previous Vice-President positions which oversaw the responsibilities for student life and operations and finances.

Also running uncontested were the candidates for both the Board of Governors representative and the Senate representatives. Siraaj Shah received a majority of yes votes to claim the singular Board of Governors’ seat, while Muntaha Aamir and Elsa Stokes were voted into the available Senate seats.

Jessie Dinh, VP Academic-Elect celebrates her victory

In the Faculty Representative races, Hannah Kim and Mirza Ali Beg were elected as the two Cumming School of Medicine Faculty. Kim garnered 46.2% of the vote, while Ali Beg received 33.2. Over in the Faculty of Science, Gabriela Dziegielewska, Ben Shi, and Emmanuel Trinidad were elected with 26.6%, 23.2%, and 19.2% respectfully.

Out of the six candidates running for the four seats available for the Faculty of Arts representatives, Aitazaz Shah (20.6%), Edom Girma (20%), Simchah Atanda (19.8%), and Martin Al-Najar (18.4%) were successful. Similarly, there were five candidates ran for the three available seats for the Schulich School of Engineering representatives. Tavish Comrie (25.7%), Debo Dam (22.6%), and Lujaina Eldelebshany (22.6%) have been elected to fill those seats.

Other Faculty Representative races asked students to vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for candidates. All candidates running received a majority of ‘yes’ votes in their respective races:

  • Faculty of Kinesiology: Elbert Tom
  • Faculty of Law: Safaa Al-Khaz’Aly
  • Faculty of Social Work: Lorraine Ndovi
  • Haskayne School of Business: Farhan Chisty and Uday Singh Sandhu
  • School of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape: Julia Law

Students also voted on a referendum regarding proposed changes to the SU’s governing documents. The referendum question is the official mechanism to adopt or reject the proposed incorporation of the SU Constitution into the SU Union Bylaw, and the subsequent rescindment of the SU Constitution. Students will vote to determine whether these SU governing documents can be merged into one. The referendum has passed with 92.8 of the students voting for it.

3,764 students voted in the 2024 General Election, which equates to 13.29% of the undergraduate population. The results announced today are provisional and become official on March 15. Students elected in this General Election will take office on April 29, 2024.

The SU will hold a by-election in October 2024 to fill the following faculty representative vacancies: Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and Werklund School of Education.

Inquiries may be directed to:

Nathan Ross
Manager, Communications & Government Relations
Cell: 403-835-1836


Budget 2024 Indirectly Cuts Post-Secondary, Leaves Student Talent on the Table

Budget 2024 Indirectly Cuts Post-Secondary, Leaves Student Talent on the Table 150 150 admin

CALGARY – Yesterday’s provincial budget amounts to an indirect cut on a post-secondary education system already on life support. Budget 2024 continues a familiar theme with this provincial government: post-secondary education gets defunded and Alberta’s students are asked to foot the bill.

“As students, everything we are doing here at post-secondary is to build a better future. Ideally, our elected officials present a plan that does the same. Sadly, even with the small allotments to student needs, this budget commits to the further decline of Alberta’s once-leading post-secondary education system,” said SU President Shaziah Jinnah Morsette.

“Despite the overwhelming need for funding to increase, any amount that refuses to keep up with inflation on a system already near a breaking point may as well be a cut. We cannot sacrifice the needs of today and expect a better tomorrow.”

While the SU is happy to see the University of Calgary receive funding earmarked specifically for STEM students, this runs the risk of putting an additional burden without providing funding for the staff and resources needed to provide a worthwhile education to those new students. Class sizes continue to balloon in size, and many students are forced to take their classes in buildings that are falling apart as the university is $740 million behind in repairs and maintenance.

On the whole, Alberta’s 2024 budget has cut per-capita spending on post-secondary funding by 7.3%.

The SU is also concerned that the province will once again look towards major tuition increases to make up the difference. Without an increase in operating funding for universities, students’ quality of education will continue to be jeopardized. When students’ education is at risk, the Albertan economy is at risk.

“It is alarming to see the Alberta government put funding aside for a future that students might not be able to afford, when we need major investment now. Albertans today are going to suffer so we can say we had a minuscule ‘accounting surplus’. This budget borrows from the future of not just students, but every Albertan,” said SU VP External Mateusz Salmassi.

The real risk in that future is that Alberta is going to be leaving talent on the table. Without proper funding for post-secondary education, fewer courses are available for students, which delays graduation and turns away countless talented, prospective students. Despite a target of increasing Alberta’s post-secondary seats by 30,000,  this budget falls short while students and graduates are continuing to leave the province to seek opportunities elsewhere.

The SU will continue to advocate for the needs and issues of the students not just of U of C, but for all Albertan students. The hope is that this budget will be the last of this kind before irreversible damage is done to Alberta’s future and that the priorities of those living, working, and studying in the province today are met.


Media Inquiries may be directed to:

Nathan Ross
Manager, Communications & Government Relations // 403-835-1836

NOTICE OF ELECTION: General Election 2024

NOTICE OF ELECTION: General Election 2024 150 150 admin

Notice is hereby given that an election will be held for the filling of the following offices:

  • President (1)
  • Vice President Academic (1)
  • Vice President Internal (1)
  • Vice President External (1)
  • Faculty Representatives, Cumming School of Medicine (2)
  • Faculty Representatives, Faculty of Arts (4)
  • Faculty Representative, Faculty of Kinesiology (1)
  • Faculty Representative, Faculty of Law (1)
  • Faculty Representatives, Faculty of Science (3)
  • Faculty Representative, Faculty of Social Work (1)
  • Faculty Representatives, Haskayne School of Business (2)
  • Faculty Representative, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (1)
  • Faculty Representatives, Schulich School of Engineering (3)
  • Senate Student at Large Representative (2)
  • Board of Governors Student at Large Representative (1)

Online voting will take place on the 5th, 6th, and 7th days of March, 2024 through the myUofC Student Centre. Polling stations will be available at these locations: MacEwan Student Centre, Science Theatres, and TFDL. Voting opens at 9 a.m. on March 5th and closes at 4 p.m. on March 7th, 2024. All University of Calgary undergraduate students registered in the Winter 2024  session are eligible to vote.


In accordance with section 48 of the The Union Bylaw, the Chief Returning Officer declares the following positions vacant:

  • Faculty Representative, Veterinary Medicine (1)
  • Faculty Representative, Werklund School of Education (1)
  • Faculty Representative, Nursing (1)

For all SU Election news and udpates visit WWW.SU.UCALGARY.CA/ELECTIONS.


President’s Message: Last chance to nominate your teacher, or complete the SU Survey

President’s Message: Last chance to nominate your teacher, or complete the SU Survey 150 150 admin

Hello UCalgary,

Just a quick reminder that Teaching Excellence Award nominations close this week on Friday, Feb. 16 at 4:30 p.m. Teachers always tell us how much these awards mean to them, because they are nominated by students in their classrooms. If you have great teacher this semester, nominate them for a Teaching Excellence Award. It’s quick and easy: just complete a short online form.

SU Survey: complete the survey by Feb. 16

Have you had a chance to fill out the SU Survey? You could win one of ten $100 Amazon gift cards just for letting us know what you think of the SU’s programs, services, and advocacy. Take the survey now.

SU Club Awards (nominations due Feb. 16)

Nominations for SU Club Awards close Friday, Feb. 16. Help us recognize excellence in team leadership, service, sustainable practices, advocacy, and innovation. Nomination forms can be found here.

Food and Housing Insecurity at the University of Calgary Research Survey

The GSA is conducting an online survey about food and housing insecurity at UCalgary and we are helping to get the word out! Please see this message from the research team about the survey:

Share your experiences with food and housing security with us by participating in an online research study! Given the demands placed on students and the rising costs of living, it can be difficult to meet basic needs. We are conducting a research study to understand food and housing security in the University of Calgary student population. Your voice will help us advocate for supports to ensure all students have access to food and housing. The University of Calgary Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board has approved this research study (REB 23-1211). The Principal Investigator is Dr. Erin Spring ( To participate in the research study survey, please click HERE.

And finally, Term Break is Feb. 18-24! This time is intended to be free of compulsory academic events and assessments for students, so take some time to reassess, reach out, and recharge. Check out some resources from the Student Success Centre.

Enjoy your break, UCalgary!

Your Students’ Union President,
Shaziah Jinnah Morsette

Follow us!
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President’s Message: Nominate your prof (or your club!), and take the SU Survey

President’s Message: Nominate your prof (or your club!), and take the SU Survey 150 150 admin

Hello UCalgary,

Just a few quick reminders and events happening next week. Not that anyone’s counting, but as of today you are only a week away from term break! Hang in there – you’ve got this.

Sex Week (Feb. 12 – 16)

Join us in the Mac Hall North Courtyard on Monday for a resource fair/carnival, and all week long for trivia, an arts showcase, speakers, and other events throughout Mac Hall. Check out the full week of events here.

SU Survey: complete the survey by Feb. 16

Have you had a chance to fill out the SU Survey? You could win one of ten $100 Amazon gift cards just for letting us know what you think of the SU’s programs, services, and advocacy. The survey is open until Feb. 16. Take the survey now.

SU Club Awards and Eric Lahoda Scholarships (nominations due Feb. 16)

We are accepting nominations for SU Club Awards now until Feb. 16. Help us recognize excellence in team leadership, service, sustainable practices, advocacy, and innovation. Nomination forms can be found here.

Teaching Excellence Awards: nominate your prof by Feb. 16

Do you have a prof that has been going the extra mile this semester? Or a TA that makes it worth getting up for an 8 a.m. lab? Show them you appreciate their efforts and nominate them for a Teaching Excellence Award! The deadline for all TEA nominations is Feb. 16.

 Upcoming SU General Election and Referendum

This year’s General Election will include a referendum question about merging the SU Constitution and SU By-laws into one document. You can read the question and learn more here.

Nomination Days are from Feb. 12 – 14. If you have decided you’re going to run for a position, download the nomination package here, and make sure to drop it off at the designated times. The Elections team will accept nominations virtually from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. each day (zoom link on SU website, or in person at the SU Main office (MSC 251) from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.

You’ll hear from me again soon, but in the meantime the best way to stay up to date is to follow the SU on Instagram or TikTok at @SUUofC.

Shaziah Jinnah Morsette
Your Students’ Union President

Follow us!
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President’s Message: Fines-for-Food, Black History Month movies, and SU Election details

President’s Message: Fines-for-Food, Black History Month movies, and SU Election details 150 150 admin

Hello UCalgary,

February is just around the corner and it’s going be another busy month around the SU – here’s what we have lined up for just the first half of the month:

Support the SU Campus Food Bank: Fines-for-Food runs Feb. 5 – 11

We are excited to continue our partnership with UCalgary’s Parking and Transportation Services – it’s called Fines-for-Food. Have you got outstanding parking fines? Pay them between Feb. 5 – 11, and half of the revenue will be donated to the SU Campus Food Bank!

All tickets paid during this period will be included in the program, regardless of when they were originally issued. Not sure how to pay your tickets? Visit

Black History Month Movies and Short Films: Feb. 8

Join us for a selection of feature-length films and National Film Board short films in celebration of Black History Month. This event runs Feb. 8 in That Empty Space, with Selma at 10 a.m., NFB short films at 12:15 p.m., and Summer of Soul at 1:00 p.m.

SU General Election and Referendum: important dates

  • Do you have questions about running, or what life is like as an SU elected official? Join us for an election orientation session, happening in Council Chambers at 12:30 p.m. on Jan. 31 and online at 2 p.m. on Feb. 1. Zoom link is available on the SU website.
  • Nomination Days are from Feb. 12 – 14. If you have decided you’re going to run for a position, download the nomination package here, and make sure to drop it off at the designated times. The Elections team will accept nominations virtually from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. each day (zoom link on SU website, or in person at the SU Main office (MSC 251) from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Voting days will be March 5, 6, and 7 through your student centre.
  • The General Election will include a referendum question about merging the SU Constitution and SU By-laws into one document. You can read the question and learn more here.

Sex Week (Feb. 12 – 16)

Join us in the Mac Hall North Courtyard on Monday for a resource fair/carnival, and all week long for trivia, and arts showcase, speakers, and other events throughout Mac Hall. Check out the full week of events here.

SU Survey: complete the survey by Feb. 16

Got a few minutes to fill out a survey? You could win one of ten $100 Amazon gift cards just for letting us know what you think of the SU’s programs, services, and advocacy. The survey is open until Feb. 16. Take the survey now.

Students for Literacy Book Sale: Feb. 5 – 9

Browse through a tonne of books for just $1 – $3 from February 5 – 9, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the South Courtyard, Mac Hall. All proceeds will go directly towards supporting literacy in our community.

Student Strike Info Session: Feb. 1

Learn about the student strikes – the history, impact, and how the student strike process works. This info session runs Feb. 1 from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. in Cassio (next to Mr. Pretzel in Mac Hall).

Teaching Excellence Awards: nominate your teacher by Feb. 16

Last (but not least) – do you have an exceptional prof or a TA this semester? Show them you appreciate their efforts and nominate them for a Teaching Excellence Award! The deadline for all TEA nominations is February 16.

You’ll hear from me again soon, but in the meantime the best way to stay up to date is to follow the SU on Instagram or TikTok at @SUUofC.

Shaziah Jinnah Morsette
Your Students’ Union President

Follow us!
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Between 1948 and March 2023, the Students’ Union (SU) experienced significant changes to its governance processes due to changes in provincial legislation and the strategic decisions of past Students’ Legislative Council (SLC) cohorts. These changes have resulted in the SU having two main governance documents: (a) the SU Union Bylaw, which incorporates information from the Post Secondary Learning Act and the SU Constitution, thus making it a significant reference document for guidance and direction over the SU governance processes and operations; and (b) the SU Constitution, which is a residual document due to most of its provisions already being reflected in the SU Union Bylaw.

In line with best practices, the SU aims to modernize its governance processes by improving student accessibility and ease of understanding of its governing documents. To implement this governance modernization, the SU proposes a consolidation of the SU Union Bylaw and the SU Constitution, by incorporating the only provision of the SU Constitution not reflected in the SU Union Bylaw, into the SU Union Bylaw. This will make the SU Union Bylaw a “one-stop-reference” document students can rely on for all information on the SU governance processes and operations. Thereafter, the SU Constitution would be repealed for being redundant.

Other student associations in post-secondary learning institutions within Alberta such as the University of Alberta, Mount Royal University, MacEwan University and Athabasca University have either repealed their constitutions or recognise their union bylaw as their highest governing document in their governance processes. The SU has also consulted the Governance and Oversight Committee which comprises Active Members, the University and Government Relations, and the SLC on its proposed direction and these bodies have indicated their support for the following question to be presented to all Active Members.

Question 1:

Do you support the proposed incorporation of the SU Constitution into the Union Bylaw, and the subsequent rescindment of the SU Constitution effective on April 16, 2024?
• NO

Full details of the proposed update to the Students’ Union’s governance documents and a Referendum FAQ are available. Complete details and updates on the 2024 General Election can be found on the page.



Notice is hereby given that Nomination Days are Monday, February 12 to Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Nominations for the election of a candidate for the following offices will be held virtually from 9 to 12 p.m. and received in-person at the SU main office from 12 to 3 p.m. on these days.


  • President (1)
  • Vice President Academic (1)
  • Vice President External (1)
  • Vice President Internal (1)
  • Faculty Representatives, Arts (4)
  • Faculty Representative, Cumming School of Medicine (2)
  • Faculty Representatives, Haskayne School of Business (2)
  • Faculty Representative, Kinesiology (1)
  • Faculty Representative, Law (1)
  • Faculty Representative, Nursing (1)
  • Faculty Representatives, Schulich School of Engineering (3)
  • Faculty Representatives, Science (3)
  • Faculty Representative, Social Work (1)
  • Faculty Representative, Veterinary Medicine (1)
  • Faculty Representative, Werklund School of Education (1)
  • Faculty Rep., School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (1)
  • Board of Governors Student at Large Representative (1)
  • Senate Student at Large Representative (2)

More information and announcements can be found on the page.

President’s Message: The SU Survey, Pet Therapy, Clubs Week, and Trivia Nights at the Den

President’s Message: The SU Survey, Pet Therapy, Clubs Week, and Trivia Nights at the Den 150 150 admin

Happy New Year, UCalgary!

Welcome back. In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Shaziah Jinnah Morsette, your Students’ Union President. I have a few updates on SU programs and events to kick off the winter semester.

Take the SU Survey

Take the annual SU Survey now and enter to win one of ten $100 gift cards. It’s your chance to voice your thoughts on the SU and your student experience – we want to make them even better, but we can’t do it without your help. It only takes 10 minutes: take the survey now.

Fun nights coming up at the Den

  • Music Bingo: Tuesday, Jan. 16 from 6 – 9 p.m.
  • Barbie Trivia night: Tuesday, Jan. 23 from 6 – 8:30 p.m.
  • C of Red at the Den: Thursday, Jan. 25. Join us for Calgary Flames giveaways and Den specials. The fun starts at 4:30 p.m. – see you there!

Work with US: Run in the SU General Election 

Have you ever thought about taking on a leadership role at the SU? The SU General Election is coming soon. Official nomination packages will be available at the end of the month – but in the meantime, we’re regularly updating our election webpages with important information and deadlines. Save the date for election orientation sessions, happening at 12:30 p.m. on Jan. 31 and 2:00 p.m. on Feb. 1!

SU Clubs Week: Jan. 15 – 17

Clubs Week is back! Stop by the North and South Courtyards in Mac Hall – there’s bound to be one or more clubs that’s a perfect fit for you.

Pet Therapy in That Empty Space: Jan. 17

The puppies are back! Pet Therapy returns on Wednesday, Jan. 17 at 12 p.m.

SU Volunteer Fair: Jan. 24

Are you looking for your volunteering niche? Join us in the Mac Hall North Courtyard on Wednesday, Jan. 24 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. to connect with volunteer organizations from across Calgary.

Mac Hall Concerts

Have you ever been to a concert in Mac Hall? Follow us at @macewanhall on Instagram, or subscribe to our email list to make sure you never miss a show.

Health and Dental Plan Deadline (Opt-out and Family Add-on): Jan. 26

If you are a new student this semester, you should know that you are automatically enrolled in the SU’s health and dental plan. If you have alternate coverage, you may opt out by Jan. 26.

If January is your enrolment anniversary (you are not a new student but you started at UCalgary in a previous January), then this is also your annual deadline for adding family members. Details and forms are all here at:

You’ll hear from me again soon, but in the meantime the best way to stay up to date is to follow the SU on Instagram or TikTok at @SUUofC.

Shaziah Jinnah Morsette,
Your Students’ Union President

Follow us!
Facebook / Twitter / Instagram

President’s Message: Already thinking about next semester? So are we!

President’s Message: Already thinking about next semester? So are we! 150 150 admin

Hello UCalgary,

We don’t always send an email this late in the semester, but if you have some time on your hands, we have a few opportunities you might want to check out for the new year.

Volunteer on Campus

SU Volunteer Services is recruiting. We are looking for volunteers for the SU Campus Food Bank, Students for Literacy, and the Volunteer Tax Program. Visit our volunteer programs page to learn more.

Join the Teaching Excellence Awards Committee

For nearly 40 years, the SU has invited students to nominate their UCalgary teachers for an SU Teaching Excellence Award. The awards committee works to promote the nominations in fall and winter semesters, and conducts class visits to observe nominated teachers before selecting the winners and planning an awards ceremony in April. The total time commitment for each committee member is around 15 hours. Learn more on the committees page on the SU website.

Work with US

We are hiring Deputy Returning Officers (DROs) to help run the SU General Election and Referendum. DROs must be available to work shifts from Jan. 22 – Mar. 8. Apply by Jan. 3 on the SU website.

Run in the SU General Election

Speaking of the election, have you ever thought about taking on a leadership role at the SU? Official nomination packages will be available Jan. 29, but in the meantime, we’re regularly updating our election webpages with important information and deadlines. If you have questions about life as an SU elected official or campaigning, we are also hosting pre-election workshops Jan. 31 and Feb. 1. Watch our social media channels for updates.

Join a Club

Clubs Week returns Jan. 15 – 17 in the Mac Hall North and South Courtyards.

Apply for an award or scholarship

Club Awards nominations open Jan. 9, with categories like sustainability, innovation, and engagement. Mark your calendar and nominate your amazing club.

We are accepting applications for the SU Pride Scholarship, which is a Quality Money initiative dedicated to recognizing UCalgary students who have contributed to the betterment of the queer community. Apply by Feb. 1.

Enjoy your well-deserved break,

Shaziah Jinnah Morsette
Your Students’ Union President

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