Q Centre

The Q Centre is currently on Fall/Winter hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Check out the Q Centre Instagram page @qcentre for the latest updates.


The Students’ Union’s Q Centre is a safe, comfortable and inviting space for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community at the University of Calgary. Featuring a library and peer support services, the program coordinators and volunteers plan events and direct clients to relevant resources. Guests are also welcome to hang out and socialize.

Please connect with us through our social media channels, or by emailing qcentre@ucalgary.ca.



For graduate students, please reach out to gsa2.gsa@ucalgary.ca for opportunities to get involved in the graduate community or if you have any questions.

To learn more about how to apply to volunteer with Q, or to learn about the other volunteer programs offered through the SU, click below.


The SU Pride Scholarship is a Quality Money initiative dedicated to recognizing University of Calgary undergraduate students who are actively dedicated to the queer community. Five $2000 scholarships are awarded in the Winter semester.

Applicants must be:

  • A full-time University of Calgary undergraduate student in good academic standing (GPA of 2.0 or higher).
  • Be returning in the upcoming academic year.
  • Have contributed to the betterment of the queer community in a meaningful, outstanding, or otherwise positive way.


In September 2021, as a result of student voiced concerns, the University of Calgary’s General Faculties Council Academic Planning and Priorities Committee approved changes to the Academic Regulations allowing students to change their legal/primary names, in addition to the option to use a preferred name.

For more information, check out the University’s webpage on Updating Personal Information.

The Q Centre has also produced a guide to changing your preferred and/or legal/primary name.

Please note that your preferred name and legal/primary name, and other information on your student record, is managed by the University, not the Students’ Union. The Q Centre aims to maintain this guide as a resource for members of the queer community seeking to change their name, but the University’s procedures or links provided in the guide may be updated without notice. For the most up-to-date information or assistance with updating your personal information, contact Enrolment Services at (403) 210-7625.

If you would like peer support while changing your name (or for anything else!) send us an email at qcentre@ucalgary.ca and the Q Centre Coordinators or our team of volunteers would be happy to help!


The Q Centre’s Queer Mentoring initiative strives to provide sexual and gender minority undergraduate students with opportunities to empower themselves by pairing them with established, queer-identified role models (ie. graduate students, alumni, staff or faculty members). The mentees will work with their mentors to set and work towards professional and social goals. These include goals related to coming out, identity, networking, friendship, dating, volunteering, working, other extracurricular activities, stress, relationship issues, and/or health and wellness.

Mentees must be registered as full-time undergraduate students at the University of Calgary. Mentors must be graduate students, alumni, faculty, or staff members at the University of Calgary. They can also be Students’ Union staff members.

All participants in the Queer Mentoring Program must abide by the Queer Mentoring Code of Conduct. The approximate time commitment for participants is 7-8 hours throughout the duration of the program, which runs from November to April. In addition to the mutual Code of Conduct, participants must abide by the Queer Mentee Responsibilities or the Queer Mentor Responsibilities.

Interested in becoming a mentor or mentee in the Queer Mentoring Program? Complete the appropriate application below and submit it via email to qcentre@ucalgary.ca.

A mandatory training/introduction session will take place in late November or early December.

Apply to be a Queer Mentee (registered full-time undergraduate students seeking mentorship)

Apply to be a Queer Mentor (University of Calgary graduate students, alumni, faculty or staff or SU staff seeking to provide mentorship)


The Q Centre is always looking to improve the student experience, and one of the ways that we accomplish this is by collaborating with other on-campus or off-campus groups in order to host innovative, student-centred events that align with our Centre mandate and vision.

Because of the number of collaborations that are requested of Q each semester, we are limited in our ability to accommodate all proposed collaborations. In order to ensure that your proposed collaboration meets the Q Centre’s event goals, please read the guidelines below and submit your complete form either in hard copy at the Q Centre (MSC 210) or by emailing it to qcentre@ucalgary.ca.


  • The Students’ Union’s Q Centre is a safe, comfortable and inviting space for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community at the University of Calgary to come together.  There’s something for everyone here at the Q Centre.  We are a place to study, read up on 2SLGBTQIA+ topics, talk to a peer support volunteer, take part in community events, or just hang out!

    Location: Room 210 in MacEwan Student Centre.  Open 9am-5pm weekdays during the school year, and open with limited hours during spring and summer. Check our Instagram @qcentre for the most updated details!

    Contact: Send us an email at qcentre@ucalgary.ca or give us a call at (403) 220-4460.  Anyone uncomfortable coming into the centre or wants to book a private one-on-one appointment for peer support or resources with one of the Coordinators can email qcentre@ucalgary.ca.

  • An SU club for everyone at the University of Calgary. Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Trans, Straight, Asexual, Queer, or Questioning, all are welcome! We are proud to have a variety of people from different faculties, backgrounds, and experiences in life, supporting the principle that all people should be treated with dignity whatever their sexual orientation or gender expression. We are always looking for new members to join our group and help with our subcommittees so if you are Student, Staff, or an Ally we have a place for you to feel welcome and to get involved. If you would like to become a member please e-mail us for more info. Queers on Campus is a volunteer run organization; we do our best with the support that we get. The more support the better the organization will become. If you are interested in volunteering, joining the club, or reading our newsletter, please contact us!
  • The SU Wellness Centre is available to registered students, who may experience a wide range of personal, academic and career issues. Counselling is a process of helping you use your own and other resources in answering your questions or solving your dilemmas. Some of the reasons students seek counselling are for personal growth and understanding, relationship concerns, gender identity, sexual orientation, self-esteem or body issues, anxiety, loneliness, family problems, career decisions, difficulties managing school work or exams, just to name a few. Our counsellors have extensive professional training with backgrounds in education, therapy, and communication.

    Location:  Room 370 MacEwan Student Centre  http://www.ucalgary.ca/counselling/

    Contact(403)210-WELL or 210-9355

  • The office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) is the centralized place for diversity and inclusion information at the University of Calgary. It also provides a safe and confidence service for individuals to discuss protected disclosure matters. These include sexual harassment and discrimination.

    Location: Administration 116 Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion | University of Calgary

    Contact: (403)220-4439

  • The Student Ombuds Office offers a safe place for undergraduate and graduate students of the University of Calgary to discuss student related issues, interpersonal conflict, academic and non-academic concerns, and many other problems.

    Location: MacEwan Student Centre (MSC), Room 274  http://www.ucalgary.ca/provost/students/ombuds/role

    Contact: (403) 220-6420 ombuds@ucalgary.ca

  • The Women’s Resource Centre (WRC) provides a safe and supportive place to advance women’s equality and build community through sharing, learning and teaching where all experiences are valued, and everyone is offered the resources necessary to make informed choices.  The WRC is trans-inclusive and a space for people of all genders to work toward gender equality.

    Located: MacEwan Student Centre 482 http://www.ucalgary.ca/women/

    Contact:  (403) 220-8551  women@ucalgary.ca

  • Below is a listing of gender-neutral restroom facilities on campus. This campaign is still relatively new, so please check back for additions. If you know of a restroom that is not listed, please let us know! For more info, click here.


    • MacEwan Student Centre
      • 206W


    • Education Classroom Block
      • 381W
    • Energy Environment Experiential Learning
      • 118W
    • Health Sciences Centre
      • HSC G313W
      • HSC 1496W
      • HSC 1497W
    • Heritage Medical Research Building
      • HMRB G11W
      • HMRB G21W
    • MacEwan Student Centre
      • 487W
      • 489W
    • Professional Faculties
      • 3229W
      • 1223W
      • 1244W
      • 1245W
      • 2247W
    • Science A
      • 131W
      • 133W
    • Science B
      • 113W
    • Scurfield Hall
      • 293W
      • 393W

Additional Information

    • Calgary Outlink: Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity provides a safe community space equipped with support services, education opportunities, community groups, peer support services, and access to resources. https://www.calgaryoutlink.ca/
    • Calgary Pride: Calgary Pride is a not-for-profit organization that exists to promote equality and celebrate Calgary’s diversity. They envision our city, free from discrimination against gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.  They organize the annual Calgary Pride Parade as well as other events and initiativeshttps://www.calgarypride.ca/
    • Calgary Queer Arts Society: Calgary Queer Arts Society, formerly known as Fairy Tales Presentation Society, is a nonprofit organization located in Calgary, Alberta that exists to give voice to queer people and their stories. Historically, 2SLGBTQI+ individuals have been suppressed, deprived of power, misrepresented and often overlooked by institutional support systems. We are committed to transforming this reality, and will continue to work passionately towards an inclusive future for all people. https://www.calgaryqueerartssociety.com/
    • Centre for Sexuality: The Centre for Sexuality aims to normalize sexual health in Alberta by providing evidence-informed, non-judgmental sexual and reproductive health programs and services.  They also operate 2SLGBTQI+ focused programming, STI testing clinics, and Camp fYrefly.https://www.centreforsexuality.ca/
    • Distress Centre Calgary: Distress Centre Calgary (DCC) has provided 24-hour crisis support in Calgary and southern Alberta since 1970. They do this through a 24-hour crisis line, email, daily chat, and daily text for our youth. They also have professional counselling for clients with issues that cannot be resolved over the phone. https://www.distresscentre.com/ 24 HOUR CRISIS LINE: 403-266-HELP (4357)
    • SAMRU Pride Centre: The Pride Centre is dedicated to fostering a safe, inclusive, and celebratory environment for people of all genders and sexual orientations. Services available in the Pride Centre include community support resources, a library, free prophylactics as well as referrals and in-centre expertise on topics related to relationships, identity and sexual health. The Pride Centre also hosts events and programs that promote the education and awareness on campus. https://www.samru.ca/supportservices/pride/
    • Skipping Stone Foundation: The Skipping Stone Foundation is a Calgary-based not-for-profit organization, and registered charity, whose mission is to support and empower trans and gender diverse youth and their families in the province of Alberta.  They offer a wide range of community, educational and medical supports for the trans community. https://www.skippingstone.ca/
    • Trans Equality Society of Alberta (TESA): TESA’s mission is to be a witness to and a voice for matters concerning trans Albertans. TESA engages in advocacy and education in three primary areas: government, outreach, and community development. http://www.tesaonline.org/
    • YYC VOICES: Calgary’s coalition of 2S, Trans, Queer + Straight People of Colour: VOICES is committed to advocating for racialized and marginalized communities in our City. They seek to sustain a visible and critical presence in our Community and hold our community leaders and representatives accountable for the racist, colonial systems and structures that perpetuate the oppression we are subjected to. They build connections between racialized and non-racialized communities for our collective liberation. https://yycvoices.ca/
    • American Trans Man provides information on Trans stuff, science stuff and a transmasculine perspectivehttp://americantransman.com/
    •  “Coming out as Transgender” is a resource produced by the Human Rights Campaign toassist in meeting the challenges and opportunities that living authentically can offer to each of us. www.hrc.org/documents/2071_HRC_Coming_Out.pdf
    • Dude Magazine is a Trans Male Zine available online http://dudemagazine.wordpress.com/
    • FtM Internationalserves the female to male community the group by providing educational and informational resources and works to build ftm community around the world. www.ftmi.org/
    • Centre for Gender Sanity has resources and information for people who are transitioning in the workplace as well as a Diagram of Sex and Gender.http://www.gendersanity.com/index.html
    • Gender Talk: hosts Gender Talk Radio and podcast, articles by transgender activists, and a resource page which includes an American nationwide listing of gender-neutral bathrooms. http://gendertalk.com/
    • Intersex Society of North America:Devoted to systemic change to end shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgeries for people born with an anatomy that someone decided is not standard for male or female. The website includes an intersex FAQ, recommended reading list, and information about support groups for intersex individuals. http://isna.org/
    • National Centre for Transequality is a Washington Based social justice group working to end discrimination and violence against transgender people. The group is dedicated to advancing the equality of transgender people through advocacy, collaboration and empowerment. Information for educators, activists and all those committed to creating inclusive communities. http://transequality.org/
    • Standards of Care for Transgender Health.  (2001) World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s Standards of Care for Gender Identity Disorders articulates their organization’s professional consensus about the psychiatric, psychological, medical, and surgical management of gender identity disorders.  Important information for transgender people who will have to deal with the medical community as they take steps such as hormone therapy or sexual reassignment surgery.http://www.wpath.org/publications_standards.cfm
    • Susan’s Place Transgender Resources is a support resource for the transgender community which provides information of use to transsexuals, crossdressers, and their families. Resources available include Chat, Links, Reference Library, Site Reviews, Forums, GRS surgeon reviews, Wiki, and much more.http://www.susans.org/
    • TGLynn’s Place is a site dedicated to improving the lives of MTF and FTM transexual, transgender, intersex and crossdressing brothers and sisters.  Here Lynn lists a review of books about transgender people:http://www.tglynnsplace.com/transgender-books.htm
    •  Transgender Health Program (Vancouver)works to improve the transgender community’s access to quality health and social care. In so doing, they provide health related programming and resources for transgender people and professionals working with transgender people. http://transhealth.vch.ca
    • Transgender Network (TNET) @ PGLAG: Focused specifically on support for transgender people and their parents, families, and friends; education on transgender facts and issues; and advocacy for equal rights for the transgender community at local and national levels. http://community.pflag.org/Page.aspx?pid=380
    • Transgender Tapestry and the International Foundation for Gender Education: Website includes a variety of trans-related articles, fiction, FAQ, and more. http://ifge.org/
    • Trans-Health: A volunteer-run website providing information on health and fitness for transsexual and transgendered people, including mental health, hormones, and transitioning. http://trans-health.com/
    • Transsexual Road Map:Offers extensive resources about transitioning, coming out, and health.http://www.tsroadmap.com/index.html
    • T-VOX:Aims to provide the most comprehensive advice, information and support website on the internet for genderqueer, intersex, transgender and transsexual people, their friends and their family. The site includes a wiki, forum, chat room, and podcasts. http://t-vox.org/index.php?title=Main_Page
  • Bornstein, K. (1995) Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women and the Rest of Us.  Knopf Double Day Publishing Group.

    Brown, M. & Rownsley, C. A. (1996). True Selves: Understanding Transexualism for Families, Friends, Coworkers and Helping Professionals. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

    Feinberg, L. (1996). Transgender warriors: Making history from Joan of Arc to RuPaul. Boston: Beacon Press.

    Kailey, M. (2005). Just Add Hormones: An Insider’s Guide to the Transsexual Experience. Boston: Beacon Press.

    Shaw, M. (year unknown) Reintroductions: A Personal Journey with Michelle Shaw.  Available from Dr. Miles at the Counselling Centre, Room 370 MacEwan Student Centre.

    Stuart, E. (1991). The Uninvited Dilemma: A Question of GenderMetamorphous Press.

    Ursacki, T. J. & Valentich, M.  A transgendered journey:Workplace and lifestyle management. (2001). DVD. University of Calgary. www.ucalgary.ca/imagecentre. Available at the library at U of C.

    Williams, W. (1992). Spirit and the flesh: Sexual Diversity in American Indian Culture.  Boston: Beacon Press.

  • In June 2017, the university approved the stand-alone sexual violence policy, a critical element of our work to creating a safe campus environment where sexual harassment and sexual violence is never tolerated. One of the key elements of the sexual violence policy is the addition of the sexual violence support advocate (SVSA), an individual who provides confidential one-on-one support, education and guidance on the reporting process, training on responding to disclosures and supporting survivors, and advocacy to all members of the university community.

    Location: MB 204C

    Contact: Carla Bartsch <svsa@ucalgary.ca> – (403) 220-2208